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We need you to add flags !

Contribute to the Oric Project, choose a project and join its development ! Cross-developments tools (the lcc compiler and the cross-assembler) have been moved to the Euphoric page.

The Oric Project : we want you !

Here you will find some developments in progress : if you are interested in contributing to one (or several) of them, use the form below. The list is not exhaustive and you may enter with your own project, let us know your intentions ! Ok, a progress indicator now :
[V] Yeah, it has been done since the starting of this page !
[.] It's a work in progress, and it should be GREAT !
[ ] Too bad, an Oric fanatic took it, you should have been faster !
[none] Mr. X shall start it tomorrow !

System software

Animation, Sound, Games, Educational software
